Gout Arthritis is a disease known as gout, but in certain conditions this disease can cause physical
symptoms that are not visible to some people. When there are problems with physical health, other
health aspects will also have an impact. The same is true for patients diagnosed with Gout Arthritis,
not only physical aspects but can affect other aspects, especially when having physical symptoms such
as tofi. Mental health is a condition where there is a balance between emotional, behavioral and
cognitive. This is the basis of the importance of maintaining mental health for someone who does not
have physical health problems and for someone who has a disease such as Gout Arthritis patients. The
purpose of this study was to find out how mental health status in Gout Arthritis patients in Tomohon
City. Quantitative research using a descriptive approach was used in this study. Data collection used
survey methods with questionnaires. The results showed that the majority of respondents had adequate
mental health (80.6%). Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that mental health status in
Gout Arthritis patients in Tomohon City was at a sufficient level. These influenced by himself and the
environment around them.
symptoms that are not visible to some people. When there are problems with physical health, other
health aspects will also have an impact. The same is true for patients diagnosed with Gout Arthritis,
not only physical aspects but can affect other aspects, especially when having physical symptoms such
as tofi. Mental health is a condition where there is a balance between emotional, behavioral and
cognitive. This is the basis of the importance of maintaining mental health for someone who does not
have physical health problems and for someone who has a disease such as Gout Arthritis patients. The
purpose of this study was to find out how mental health status in Gout Arthritis patients in Tomohon
City. Quantitative research using a descriptive approach was used in this study. Data collection used
survey methods with questionnaires. The results showed that the majority of respondents had adequate
mental health (80.6%). Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that mental health status in
Gout Arthritis patients in Tomohon City was at a sufficient level. These influenced by himself and the
environment around them.
How to Cite
Desi, D. (2019). TATUS KESEHATAN MENTAL PASIEN GOUT ARHTRITIS DI KOTA TOMOHON. Jurnal Kesehatan Bakti Tunas Husada: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Keperawatan, Analis Kesehatan Dan Farmasi, 19(2), 226–235. https://doi.org/10.36465/jkbth.v19i2.501