Analysis of factors health and safety health officer with teeth and mouth disease prevention in hospital infection Tasikmalaya City
Abstract. Hospitals are a source of pathogenic microbes that cause infection and can spread throughout the environment in hospitals through contact between visitors, patients, staff and medical equipment and surgical wounds. The dentist and dental nurse as dental and oral health care workers are at high risk for contact with microorganisms during dental treatment. The Source of potential infection in practice dentist can be through hands, saliva, blood, nasal secretions, clothes, hair, tools and supplies other practices, therefore it must be kept sterile to reduce the risk of infection. Take precautions to prevent the occurrence of dangerous infection, it can even prevent death. Factors that affect the health and occupational safety of oral health personnel consists of factors of knowledge, attitudes and working lives. This study aimed to analyze the factors of health and occupational safety officer oral health by prevention of infectious diseases at the Hospital of the town of Tasikmalaya. This research is non-experimental research with cross sectional design. The study population is dental and oral health care workers in a hospital as the city of Tasikmalaya numbered 40 respondent. Sampling was done by total sampling technique. The results of this study indicate that the attitude factor (p-value 0,037 <a 0.05) there is a significant correlation with infection prevention, while the knowledge factor (p-value 0.538> a 0,05) and factors work period (p-value 0.407> a 0,05) there is no significant correlation with infection prevention.
Keywords: Health and Occupational Safety, Dental and Oral Health Officer, Infectious Disease Prevention.
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