Background: improper use of synthetic rinses can cause adverse side effects so that researchers are aware of the need for a good natural mouthwash for dental and oral health one of them using honey and lime. Some research proves that the content of honey and lime can be used as a natural ingredient to maintain healthy teeth and mouth. Honey has antibacterial and antiseptic properties that can kill bacteria and accelerate wound healing while vitamin C in lime can also help in healing and repair of gingival tissues and essential oils have activity inhibitory against bacteria Purpose: This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the solution of honey with a solution Lime as a mouthwash against gingivitis. Method: This research uses the quasi-experimental method with two groups pre and post test design. Research subjects were 32 people divided into 2 groups, namely the gargling group using a solution of honey and a group that rinsed lemon solution. The two groups were examined gingival index before and after treatment. Results: Based on the results of paired T-tests in both groups resulted that both were effective in reducing the index gingivae. The unpaired T- test results showed no significant difference between the gargling group of the honey solution and the gargling group of a lemon solution. Conclusion: Based on the research done it can be concluded that the solution of honey and lemon solution are equally effective in preventing and treating gingivitis disease, but there is no significant difference between the two.
Keywords: honey solution, lemon solution, gingival index
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