The Use of Video as The Media to Change Mothers Behavior in The use of Antibiotics in Banguntapan I Bantul Primary Health Center


  • FILU MARWATI SANTOSO PUTR 1D-III Program of Midwifery, STIKes Madani Yogyakarta, Jl. Wonosari KM 10 Piyungan, Sitimulyo, Bantul, Yogyakarta


Mothers who act as family caregivers, especially at a time when the family members are sick often take their own initiatives in the purchase and use of drugs including antibiotics. For this issue, the majority of mothers do not know what kind of benefits and harms of antibiotics when they are taken without complience with the usage rules. In order to change the behavior of the mother in the use of antibiotics, we need a health education. Video as a medium of health education can be used as an alternative that is quite interesting because it can stimulate the auditory and visual system to change behavior. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of health education with video media to changes in mother behavior in the use of antibiotics in Puskesmas Banguntapan Bantul. This study uses a pre-experimental design. The population is mothers of children aged 2-5 years old with a history of upper respiration channel infection (ISPA) in the working area of Banguntapan I Bantul Primary Health Center. Samples were selected by purposive sampling technique. Data were collected by questionnaire and analyzed using the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test. The study says there is the effect of health education with video media to changes in mother behavior in the use of antibiotics in Banguntapan I Bantul Primary Health Center. The differences are visible from Wilcoxon Signed Test calculation which shows that the value of Z obtained at -6.045 where the value <z table -1.96 with p value (Asymp. Sig 2 tailed) of 0.000 which is less than the critical limit of 0.05 research

Keywords: Video, Mother Behavior, Antibiotics





