Uji Aktivitas Nefroprotektor Ekstrak Etil Asetat Buah Pining Bawang (Hornstedtia alliacea) pada Tikus Putih Jantan (Rattus norvegicus) Galur Wistar yang Diinduksi Gentamisin
:Pining (Hornstedtia alliacea (K.Schum.) Valeton). is of plant the species Zingiberaceae that contains secondary metabolites is flavonoids which can act as antioxidants. The presence of flavonoid composition can be made as an antioxidant and can act as a nephroprotector.Objective: This study was to determine the activity of Hornstedtia alliacea as nephroprotector on rats wistar strain (Rattus novergicus) with induction of gentamicin were seen from the creatinine levels, urea levels and histopathology of kidney. Methods: This research is experimental study rats wistar strain were divided into 5 groups. Group I was normal control, group II negative control (Gentamicin 60 mg/BW rats/Day i.p and CMC Na 0,5% p.o), the group III, IV and V (Hornstedtia alliacea dose of 25 mg/BW, 50 mg/BW and 75 mg/BW rats in CMC 0,5 % p.o followed by induction of gentamicin 60 mg/BW rats i.p) for 12 days. Results: The results of statistical analysis showed that there is no significant difference between groups where the significance value of creatinine was 0,120 (p> 0.05) and the significance value of urea was 0,065 (p> 0,05). Dose 50 mg / BW rats/ Day is the smallest dose group with an average creatinine levels and serum urea levels compared to other dose groups. Histopathological results showed that the dose 50 mg / BW rats/ Day showed the smallest percentage of necrosis cells compared to other dose groups. Conclusion : Pining nephroprotector activity was seen in the dose 50 mg / BW rats / Day based on the results of serum urea levels and serum creatinine levels as well as the smallest percentage of necrosis cells compared to other dose groups.References
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