Isolasi Biomaterial Silika dari Mikroalga Autotrofik dengan Variasi Air Laut Buatan
Indonesian waters, are mostly marine, that have abundant biodiversity. One of the biodiversity is microalgae. Microalgae is one of the wealth of marine products which has become an alternative to be developed as food. One of the species of microalgae is Dunaleilla salina. This study aims to determine the biosilica material level from the microalgae Dunaleilla salina in artificial seawater media. Isolation of biosilica was carried out by cultivation using a variety of mediums, namely artificial seawater (ALB), krosok salt (GK) and growth media of FeCl3, Na2SiO3, KNO3 TSP fertilizer. Based on the results of the study, it was found that the different formulas of the growth media used in the microalgae Dunaleilla salina could affect the silica amount. Silica with krosok salt growth medium was 2.0483 gram, while for artificial seawater growth media it was 1.644 gram. SiO-Si which is the functional group of silica gel (SiO2)References
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