Kajian Penggunaan Kopigmen Asam Galat Terhadap Ekstrak yang Mengandung Antosianin
Anthocyanin is a pigment that gives plants an orange, red, purple, blue to black color. The stability of anthocyanin is dependent on pH, temperature and light so that to maintain the stability of anthocyanin is done by co-pigmentation, which is the combination of anthocyanin with other molecules. This study aims to decide the effect of gallic acid copigment on anthocyanin stability. Methods: This research belongs to the type of literature review research by finding theoretical references relevant to the case or problem found. The type of data used is the data obtained in the literature and then analyzed with descriptive analysis methods. Results & Conclusion: Anthocyanins from plants, especially seeds, fruit and tubers can be extracted using maceration method with methanol: 1% HCl solvent to produce high levels of total anthocyanin. Addition of gallic acid copigment can increase the intensity of plant anthocyanin color which is characterized by hyperchromic and bathochromic shifts to keep up anthocyanin stabilitynse.References
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