Tingkat Pengetahuan dan Sikap Masyarakat terhadap Obat Immunomodulator pada saat Pandemi COVID-19
COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by the most recently discovered corona virus, it was reported on May 25, 2021, there were 167,011,807 confirmed cases of COVID-19, of which there were 2,715 cases in Tasikmalaya Regency. To avoid COVID-19, many people use immunomodulatory drugs to increase their immune system. This study aims to determine how people's knowledge and attitudes towards immunomodulatory drugs are during the COVID-19 outbreak. The method used in this study is a cross sectional study, with consecutive sampling, with primary data obtained, as well as pre and post education. So that the results of this study are in the form of respondent demographics, profiles of using immunomodulators, the effect of education on public knowledge, and descriptive analysis of public knowledge with use chi square, t-test method 0.011 in the sample and control of 0.966, while the spearman test was obtained at 0.489. and spearman method. The conclusion of this study is that the level of knowledge of the people of Desa Ciawi, Kecamatan Ciawi, Kabupaten Tasikmalaya can be classified as moderate because most of the participating respondents have moderate scores during the pre-test. There is a significant relationship between education and the level of knowledge of the community about immunomodulatory drugs with a significance value of 0.011.References
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