Good drug management needs to be supported by good governance. Good governance will improve good service, so that it will improve patient safety. Planning is the key to the success of drug management. For that we need valid data such as usage data, leadtime, savety stock, and remaining stock. The purpose of this study was to determine and improve the management of drug supplies in the Pharmacy Installation of RSUD dr. Soekardjo Tasikmalaya which can automatically improve pharmaceutical services. This type of research uses non-experimental research with retrospective descriptive analysis using quantitative data from October to December 2020. The data used are planning data, usage, lead time, savety stock, and remaining stock at the end of the month period from October to December. 2020. The results of the ABC method analysis based on drug use for group A 69.9% with 11.8% items, group B 19.9% with 12.7% items, and group C 10.2% with 75 items ,5%. The results of the ABC method analysis based on investment for group A are 70.1% with the number of items 7.6%, group B 19.9% with the number of items 13.3%, and group C 10.0% with the number of items 79.1% . The results of the analysis based on the VEN method for group V the number of items was 12.5%, group E 81.2%, and group N 6.3%. The results of the analysis based on the ABC-VEN method for the VA group the number of items was 38.8%, VB group 17.4%, VC group 10.9%, EA group 55.6%, EB group 77.8%, EC group 82, 4%, NA group 5.6%, NB group 4.8%, and NC group 6.7%.References
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