Analisis Kandungan Sianida dan Efek Perendaman dalam Larutan Kalsium Hidroksida pada Umbi Gadung: Pendekatan Analisis Validasi dan Metode Kolorimetri


  • Winasih Rachmawati Program Studi Fakultas Farmasi, Universitas Bhakti Kencana, Bandung, Indonesia
  • Dwiky Rusmania Hadi Program Studi Fakultas Farmasi, Universitas Bhakti Kencana, Bandung, Indonesia
  • Emma Emawati Program Studi Fakultas Farmasi, Universitas Bhakti Kencana, Bandung, Indonesia


cyanide, Dioscorea hispida, gadung,, ninhydrin.


Background: Gadung is an Indonesian plant that contains carbohydrates, and its tubers are used as
an alternative food source. Gadung contains cyanogenic glycoside compounds, which are toxic when
hydrolyzed. The cyanide content can be reduced by soaking it in a solution of calcium hydroxide.
Objective: This study aims to obtain a valid method for determining the cyanide content of Gadung that
has been soaked in calcium hydroxide solution to reduce cyanide. Methods: Gadung samples were
collected from Sumedang, West Java. The analysis began with the validation of the analytical method,
optimization of the storage time of Gadung tubers that produced the highest cyanide levels, the
determination of the concentration and soaking time of calcium hydroxide solution that could reduce
cyanide content. Cyanide analysis was conducted using the visible spectrophotometry method with
ninhydrin reagent. Results: The analytical method for cyanide determination has been validated
concerning parameters such as selectivity, linearity, sensitivity, accuracy, and precision. The correlation
coefficients of the linearity test for cyanide was 0.9993, and Vx0 was 1.75%. The LoD and LoQ for
cyanide were 0.118 and 0.395 ppm, respectively. The recoveries was 91.41% with an acceptable
relative standard deviation (RSD) of 0.39% were obtained. The results of the analysis of cyanide content
showed that Gadung tubers left for 8 days had a high cyanide content. The optimal condition was 15%
calcium hydroxide solution for 7 hours, a decrease of 48.36% cyanide content. Conclusion: The
ninhydrin colorimetric analysis method established in this study can be applied to the toxicity study of
cyanide on Gadung tubers.


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