Chorela Vulgaris : Isolasi, Karakterisasi dan Uji Anti Radikal Bebas Protein Bioaktif
Supplements, Chorella Vulgaris, ProteinAbstract
Malnutrition is a nutritional imbalance that has a major impact on global health, especially in children
under five. Around 45% of under-five deaths worldwide are related to malnutrition, which can include
stunting, wasting, underweight and micronutrient deficiencies. In 2018, approximately 148 million
children under five were stunted (21.9%) and 49 million were wasted (7.3%). To address these issues,
dietary supplements containing vitamins, minerals, amino acids and proteins are often used. However,
inappropriate consumption of supplements may pose health risks. Therefore, natural ingredients such
as microalgae are a safer alternative. Objective: This study aims to isolate bioactive proteins from
Chlorella vulgaris and develop an effervescent powder preparation, with the hope that it can be a safer
and more effective solution in overcoming malnutrition. Methods: The method used to check the protein
using FTIR and UV-Vis spectrometer. Results: The results showed that the protein content contained
in Chlorella vulgaris was 4.646 ppm, and Chlorella vulgaris could be used as an effervescent powder
preparation with the best formula in formula C.
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