Evaluasi Penggunaan Tablet Warfarin Terhadap Nilai Hasil INR Pasien Poli Jantung Kronis di Apotek Salah Satu Rumah Sakit di Karawang


  • Dewi Darwati Agustini Program Studi Farmasi, Universitas Buana Perjuangan, Karawang, Indonesia
  • Andi Nurzakia Amal Program Studi Farmasi, Universitas Buana Perjuangan, Karawang, Indonesia


INR, Warfarin, Atrial Fibrillation


Chronic conditions such as ischemic heart disease, venous thromboembolism, and ischemic stroke
require oral anticoagulant therapy, like warfarin, to prevent thromboembolism. The success of warfarin
therapy is measured using the prothrombin time expressed as INR, with an optimal INR target of 2-3
for most indications. However, INR has limitations in detecting factors that can affect anticoagulant
effects, such as resistance, patient compliance, and drug or food interactions. This study aims to
evaluate the use of warfarin tablets against INR test results in patients with chronic heart disease at a
hospital pharmacy in Karawang. The research method used is descriptive observational with bivariate
ANOVA and T-test. The sampling technique is purposive sampling on a population of 112 patients and
the sample obtained is 33 patients. The study found an average INR of 2.12±0.75. ANOVA showed a
significance value of 0.749, indicating no effect of age on INR values. Mann-Whitney test with a
confidence level of 5% and significance value of 0.130 revealed no average INR difference between
genders. A t-test with a value < 0.001 showed significant differences in INR values between patients.


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