Formulasi dan Evaluasi Mutu Sabun Transparan Ekstrak Kulit Nanas dengan Penambahan Variasi Sukrosa
Pineapple Fruit Peel Extract, sucrose, antibacteri, transparant soapAbstract
The skin constitutes the body's outermost layer, serving as a barrier to the external environment. Its
structure is intricate and changes based on factors such as climate, age, gender, race, and anatomical
placement. The skin, as the body's outermost organ, is more susceptible to bacterial exposure. The
predominant dermatological condition is a bacterial skin infection. To prevent or cure skin disorders, it
is essential to maintain personal cleanliness and provide a sanitary environment by bathing with clean
water at least twice daily, using soap. Pineapple skin has a natural antibacterial agent. This study
extends prior research on the antibacterial efficacy of clear soap by including pineapple skin extract.
This research seeks to ascertain the formation of clear soap derived from pineapple skin extract and to
evaluate the quality of these soap preparations with varying sucrose concentrations. This research
conducted quality evaluations including the Organoleptic Test, pH measurement, Water Content Test,
Free Alkali Test, Fatty Acid Test, Foam Height Test, and Soap Transparency Level evaluation. This
study concludes that pineapple peel extract can be developed into a transparent soap formulation.
Variations in sucrose concentration influence the transparency of the soap. Quality evaluations of the
transparent soap preparations, including organoleptic assessments, pH measurements, foam height
evaluations, free alkali and free fatty acid analyses, and transparency level tests for formulations 1, 2,
and 3, indicate that they meet the standards for solid bath soap.
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