Formulasi dan Uji Aktivitas Antioksidan Sediaan Hand body gel Sari Bonggol Nanas


  • Lidyanti Pasha Program Studi Farmasi, Politeknik META Industri Cikarang, Bekasi, Indonesia
  • Elsa Marliana Program Studi Farmasi, Politeknik META Industri Cikarang, Bekasi, Indonesia


Antioxidant Activity, DPPH, Pineapple Juice Bumps, Hand body gel


The body's defense performance will decrease along with the prevention of infection and the effects of
free radicals are caused by dry skin. Pineapple humps have the property of being discarded from
pineapples, because pineapple humps have a hard texture, so pineapple humps have not been used
properly and their use is very limited. Pineapple hump contains the enzyme bromelain which functions
as an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant agent so pineapple hump juice is added in the
formulation as an antioxidant agent. In this research process, pineapple juice samples were subjected
to phytochemical filtering, and measurement of antioxidant activity, then formulated in the form of hand
body gel preparations and evaluated for 3 days and measurement of antioxidant activity in each hand
body gel preparation formula. The purpose of this study was to determine the formulation of hand body
gel containing pineapple juice at varying concentrations, namely F1 (0.8%), F2 (1.5%), and F3 (2.2%)
from the potential for antioxidant activity and good evaluation of gel preparations. Antioxidant activity
was measured using the DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) method with vitamin C as a positive
control. The results of the measurement of pineapple juice samples (Ananas comosus (L.) Merr.) have
antioxidant activity with an IC50 value of 74.64 ppm and are included in the strong category. The results
showed that the 2.2% pineapple hump juice hand body gel preparation had a very strong antioxidant
activity of 41.07 ppm when compared to the pineapple hump juice hand gel 0.8% (50.39 ppm, strong)
and 1.5% (45.11 ppm, very strong). Hand body gel pineapple hump juice 0.8%, 1.5%, and 2.2% meet
the evaluation requirements of gel preparations which include organoleptics, homogeneity, pH,
viscosity, spreadability, adhesion and non-irritating to the skin and stable in storage for 3 days and can
be seen to be ready in a stable state. Based on the study, it can be concluded that the best pineapple
hump juice hand body gel is at F2 with a concentration of 2.2% because it has good evaluation results
and antioxidants.


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