Formulasi Sediaan Granul Instan Ekstrak Etanol Akar Pepaya Gantung (Carica papaya L.) dan Aktivitasnya sebagai Diuretik pada Tikus Putih Jantan (Rattus Norvegicus)
Akar pepaya gantung, alkaloid, granule powderAbstract
Diuretics are substances or drugs that work directly on the urine excretion process to increase the
excretion of water and sodium chloride. One compound that has a diuretic effect is alkaloids.
Introduction: The diuretic effect of Akar pepaya gantung has been proven in theoretical and practical
research. Objective: to determine whether Akar pepaya gantung can be made into granule powder
preparation, then testing the instant granule powder formula on rats. Method: the study was conducted
with 5 treatments. Three groups received different doses of the same suspension: 2.6 mg/200 g of rat
body weight for dose 1, 5.2 mg/200 g for dose 2, and 10.4 mg/200 g for dose 3. Oral administration of
the instant granule powder formulation was performed on rats. Furosemide served as positive control
and Na-CMC as negative control. The treatment was carried out for 6 hours calculated after the
administration of the preparation. Then the results of the total volume collected during the treatment
were seen. The results of each treatment were recorded and can be analyzed using SPSS with One
Way Anova variants. Results : Akar pepaya gantung contain alkaloids that act as diuretics. The volume
of urine produced gets different results in each dose. In one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with a
value of p = 0.00 as well as linear regression test (LSD) showed that instant granule powder of hanging
papaya root extract has a diuretic effect. Conclusion: the most optimal group is dose 3.
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