Formulasi Sediaan Liptint Dari Ekstrak Kulit Manggis (Garcinia mangostana L.) Sebagai Pewarna Alami Dikombinasikan Dengan Lesitin
liptint, mangosteen peel extract, antioxidantAbstract
Liptint is a cosmetic product used to apply lip color. Liptint is often liquid and has a natural color.
Mangosteen peel contains mangosteen, flavonoids and tannins. It has antioxidant activity that has the
ability to prevent lip skin from becoming black. The aim of this study was to determine the concentration
of mangosteen peel extract liptint formula (Garcinia mangostana L.) that was most liked by respondents,
to determine the results of the evaluation of liptint preparations from mangosteen peel (Garcinia
mangostana L.) and to determine the level of lip moisture in the formula of mangosteen peel extract
liptint preparation (Garcinia mangostana L.). Using maceration extraction method. The concentration of
liptint preparation extract in each formula F1 (2%) b/v, F2 (4%) b/v and F3 (6%) b/v. The mangosteen
peel extract liptint preparation has met the evaluation requirements of organoleptic test, homogeneity
test, pH test, irritation test, spreadability test, stability test, viscosity and rheology test, moisture test and
hedonic test. The data obtained was analyzed by Friedman test with the result of <0.05 which means
there is a significant difference between each treatment. In the moisture effectiveness test, it was
analyzed by paired sample T test with the result <0.05 that there was a significant difference in moisture
before and after using the liptint preparation.
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