Formulasi Sediaan Spray Gel Ekstrak Etanol Wortel (Daucus carota L.) Sebagai Antifungi Pada Kandidiasis Oral
candida albicans, flavonoid, saponin, spray gelAbstract
Introduction: Oral candidiasis is an infection that occurs opportunistically due to the fungus Candida
albicans which is characterized by lesions in the oral cavity, which are caused by the use of antibiotics
and corticosteroids and a weak immune system. Carrot (Daucus carota L.) is a tuber plant that contains
flavonoid and saponin compounds which are very toxic to fungi, so it has the potential to be developed
as an antifungal preparation. Spray gel preparations can be used to treat candidiasis because they are
more practical to use. Objective: This research was conducted with the aim of developing preparations
and testing the antifungal activity of carrot extract spray gel with concentrations of F1 (1%), F2 (3%),
and F3 (5%). Method: This research was carried out in several stages, namely, extract activity testing,
phytochemical screening, basic optimization, preparation preparation, and preparation activity testing.
Testing of the antifungal activity of extracts and preparations was carried out using the disc diffusion
method against the Candida albicans fungus. Then, the preparation was made and evaluated
organoleptically, homogeneity, pH, spray weight, spray pattern, viscosity, in-vitro adhesive spreadability
test, heating-cooling test and preparation activity test. Conclusion: The results showed very strong
antifungal activity of carrot extract with an inhibitory power of 1% (26.76 mm), 3% (28.83 mm), and 5%
(32.22 mm). The results of the preparation activity test showed an increase in the area of inhibitory
power with each increase in extract concentration, namely F1 (16.25 mm), F2 (23.48 mm), and F3
(27.32 mm). Formula I (FI) is the best formula with the best physical stability and strong antifungal
activity of 16.25 mm.
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