Formulasi Tablet Effervescent dari Sari Buah Nanas (Ananas comosus L. Merr) dengan Metode Granulasi Basah
pineapple fruit, effervescent tablets, constipationAbstract
Constipation, also known as difficulty in defecation, is a condition characterized by changes in stool
consistency, making it hard and large in size, reduced frequency, or difficulty in defecation. Constipation
is often marked by anxiety during defecation due to pain during bowel movements. One plant with potential
to alleviate constipation is Pineapple (Ananas comosus L. Merr), which contains the enzyme bromelain
and has potential as a remedy for constipation symptoms. This study aims to determine the appropriate
effervescent tablet formula from pineapple juice using the wet granulation method, and to characterize the
effervescent tablet preparation from pineapple juice (Ananas comosus L. Merr) using the wet granulation
method. Effervescent tablets were made using the wet granulation method from pineapple juice powder
prepared by the freeze-dry method with three formula variations: F0 (without pineapple juice), F1 (200
mg), and F2 (400 mg). The effervescent tablet preparation from pineapple juice was evaluated. The
research results indicated that pineapple juice powder using the freeze-dry method could be formulated
as an effervescent preparation using the wet granulation method. Based on the evaluation results, the
effervescent granules of the three formulas met the requirements for organoleptic testing, content testing,
flowability testing, angle of repose testing, compressibility testing, uniformity of size testing, friability
testing, and dissolution time testing. From this study, it can be concluded that F2 is better compared to F0
and F1.
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