Interaksi Obat pada Pasien Geriatri di UPTD Puskesmas Mangkubumi Tasikmalaya
drug interactions, geriatric patients, polypharmacyAbstract
The geriatric population, comprising individuals aged 60 years and older, is rapidly increasing in
Indonesia. This demographic shift presents challenges in prescribing medications, as elderly patients
often require long-term treatment with multiple drugs, increasing the risk of drug interactions. This study
aimed to identify potential drug interactions in geriatric patients at UPTD Puskesmas Mangkubumi,
Tasikmalaya, in 2022. A total of 120 geriatric patients were selected through purposive sampling. Drug
interaction identification was conducted using the Drug Interaction Checker from, and the
interactions were categorized based on their severity: major, moderate, or minor. The results showed
that 78.18% of interactions were classified as mild, 20.00% as minor, and 1.82% as major. A significant
finding was the interaction between amlodipine and simvastatin, which increased the risk of myopathy.
The study highlights the importance of monitoring drug interactions in geriatric patients to ensure safe
and effective treatment.
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