Karakterisasi Simplisia dan Minyak Atsiri pada Daun Kirinyuh (Chromolaena odorata L.)


  • Vera Nurviana Program Studi S1 Farmasi, Fakultas Farmasi, Universitas Bakti Tunas Husada Tasikmalaya
  • Diana Sri Zustika Program Studi S1 Farmasi, Fakultas Farmasi, Universitas Bakti Tunas Husada Tasikmalaya
  • Reny Fitriany Program Studi S1 Farmasi, Fakultas Farmasi, Universitas Bakti Tunas Husada Tasikmalaya


Characterization, Kirinyuh Leaf, Essential Olils, GC-MS


Introduction: Kirinyuh leaves (Chromolaena odorata L.) are a wild plant that has a distinctive odor.
The presence of a distinctive odor indicates the presence of essential oil compounds. Characterization
testing of simplicia and essential oils is needed to guarantee quality before being used as raw materials.
Objective: This study aims to determine the characteristics of simplicia and the essential oil of kirinyuh
leaves (Chromolaena odorata L.). Methods: The research stage begins with examining the quality
characteristics of simplicia including microscopic, macroscopic, water content, drying loss and
phytochemical screening. The essential oil isolation method was carried out using soxhletation with nhexane
solvent, then purified using the ECC method using 70% ethanol solvent. The essential oil
produced was tested for refractive index, optical rotation, specific gravity, viscosity acid number and
compound component analysis using GC-MS. Results: Kirinyuh leaf simplicia has a distinctive odor, is
green with a rough and densely hairy leaf surface, has a round leaf shape with a tapered tip and serrated
edges, then the characteristic fragments of the leaves are covering hairs, vascular bundles with spiral
thickenings, stomata, upper epidermis with oil drops, lower epidermis with stomata and trachea, has a
water content of 4% ± 0,0000%, drying shrinkage of 5,53% ± 0,5026%, and is positive for polyphenols,
steroids, monoterpenoids/sesquiterpenoids. Essential oil quality testing has a refractive index of 1,336
± 0,0001 (nD200), optical rotation 0,1730 ± 0,1100, acid number 2,1674 mg KOH/g, specific gravity
1,1133 g/mL, viscosity 1,50 cP. The components of essential oil consist of 3-Penten-2-ONE,
Nigakilactone F and Hexachlorocyclohexane. Conclusion: Based on the results, the essential oil of
kirinyuh leaves has a characteristic odor, clear yellow color, with the largest percentage shown by
Nigakilactone F.


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