Uji Aktivitas Sitotoksik Ekstrak Etanol dan Fraksi Biji Alpukat (Persea americana Mill.) Terhadap Kanker Prostat Sel DU-145
avocado seed, DU-145 Cells, Prestoblue AssayAbstract
Introduction: Cancer is one of the major health issues that contributes to high mortality rate globally,
with prostate cancer being a notable example. Prostate cancer ranks second in terms of prevalence in
both Indonesia and globally. One of the treatments for prostate cancer is chemotherapy, which can
cause various side effects. There is a need for alternative anticancer agents derived from natural
sources that are both effective and have minimal side effects. One such natural ingredient is avocado
seeds (Persea americana Mill.). Avocado seeds contain ursolic acid, betulinic acid, and lupeol, which
are part of the triterpenoid group. These three compounds have the ability to trigger apoptosis and
inhibit the proliferation and metastasis of cancer cells. Objective: The aimed of this study was to
evaluate the cytotoxic effects of avocado seed extracts and fractions (Persea americana Mill.) on DU-
145 prostate cancer cells and to obtain the IC50 value. Method: The testing process involved extraction
using maceration, fractionation with ECC, and cytotoxicity testing using the prestoblue assay method,
with eight variations of concentrations: 7.81, 15.62, 31.25, 62.5, 125, 250, 500, and 1000 ppm. The test
results showed that the IC50 value for the ethanol extract was 599.9 μg/mL, indicating weak cytotoxic
activity; for the water fraction, it was 428.2 μg/mL, also showing weak activity; the n-hexane fraction
had an IC50 of 79.42 μg/mL, demonstrating strong cytotoxic activity; and the ethyl acetate fraction had
an IC50 of 325.70 μg/mL, which also indicated weak activity against DU-145 prostate cancer cells.
Conclusion: Compared to the ethanol extract, water fraction, and ethyl acetate fraction, the n-hexane
fraction of avocado seeds has an IC50 value of <100 μg/mL, which is classified as having strong
cytotoxic activity.
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