Elderly,, Primary Healthcare, Integrated services, Healthy lifestyle, Community serviceAbstract
Improving the health status of the elderly has become a priority in national health development, in line with the
increasing elderly population in Indonesia. The Primary Service Integration Program (ILP) is designed to strengthen
primary healthcare services through a holistic, community-based approach, focusing on health promotion and early
disease detection. A community service activity titled "Efforts to Improve Elderly Health Status through the Socialization
of the ILP Program" was held at the Gedung Dakwah Islam in Banjar City on November 15, 2024, involving 152 elderly
participants.This activity emphasized education, discussion, and evaluation to enhance participants' understanding of
holistic health and access to primary healthcare services. Education was delivered through interactive materials on
healthy lifestyles, routine health check-ups, and the utilization of integrated healthcare services. Discussions actively
engaged participants in sharing experiences and solutions to health-related issues. The evaluation showed a significant
improvement in understanding, with 85% of participants able to answer evaluation questions correctly, up from 60%
before the activity, reflecting a 25% increase in understanding. The results highlighted high participant enthusiasm,
improved understanding of healthy lifestyle practices, and the importance of routine health check-ups. Cross-sector
collaboration was identified as a key factor in the success of this program. With adaptation to local needs, ILP has proven to be relevant and holds potential as a strategic model for sustainable elderly health management in Indonesia.
This abstract illustrates the critical role of a holistic approach in enhancing the quality of life for the elderly through the ILP program.
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