Tempe nuggets, counseling, nutritious foodAbstract
Nuggets Tempe is a processed food from tempeh which is a food innovation that is rich in protein, fatty acids, vitamins
and minerals that are suitable for consumption by children and adults. The processed tempeh menu in daily meals if
only fried can reduce children's appetite so that diversification is needed with the shape and taste of contemporary
foods such as nuggets. To improve nutrition, eggs and carrots are added to the tempeh nugget formula. The purpose of
this community service activity is to provide education about the importance of protein in food intake through the
utilization of local food ingredients such as tempeh as a source of vegetable protein and provide skills to participants
in making tempeh nuggets as a diversification of processed tempeh to increase children's appetite for tempeh which has
a high protein content in their daily diet. Participants in this activity were parents assisted by LKSA Amanah BTH
Tasikmalaya City. The method used in this activity is the lecture method and the practice of making Tempe Nugget.
Based on the results of the analysis, it can be concluded that the respondent profile data of this activity can attract participation across gender, age, and education levels, showing the inclusiveness and relevance of activities to various
segments of society. The significant increase in respondents' knowledge scores, as indicated by the statistical results of the paired T-test, underscores the effectiveness of extension in promoting individual and community empowerment.
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