Pregnant women, fetal, health optimizationAbstract
A healthy pregnancy and proper fetal growth are the goals of every pregnant woman, enabling the delivery of a healthy baby. During pregnancy, maintaining optimal health is essential to support the fetus's growth and development and to prepare the mother for labor, postpartum, and breastfeeding. However, not all pregnant women possess the knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors needed to support their health status. One of the issues faced by pregnant women in RW 07, Setiaratu Sub-district, is the lack of understanding of how to maintain their health during pregnancy. This community health service activity aimed to assess maternal and fetal health status, enhance knowledge, and foster positive attitudes so that mothers could experience a healthy pregnancy. The methods included antenatal checkups and health education delivered through lectures, discussions, and demonstrations, with evaluations conducted using pretests and posttests. Seventeen pregnant women participated in the program. The results showed that 15 women (88%) had blood pressure within normal limits, 17 women (100%) were not at risk of chronic energy deficiency (CED), fundal height was consistent with gestational age, fetal positions were normal (cephalic presentation), and fetal heart rates were within the normal range. Health education increased knowledge about optimizing health status during pregnancy by an average of 43%. Positive attitudes improved, with 59% of participants showing a positive attitude in the pretest and 100% in the posttest.
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