accreditation, administration, health center, mentoring, standard operating procedureAbstract
Mangkubumi Health Center in Tasikmalaya City plays an important role in providing primary health services to the community. However, administrative aspects, especially related to the preparation of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for the Administration Section, still require more attention in order to improve the quality of service. This community service program aims to assist officers in the process of revising and preparing SOPs according to health center accreditation standards. Activities are carried out through socialization methods, direct assistance, and implementation evaluation. A total of 41 participants, consisting of administrative and service officers, participated in this program. They were provided with in-depth knowledge about the principles of preparing SOPs through presentations, discussions, and question-and-answer sessions. The evaluation was carried out with a post-test and analysis of obstacles in implementing SOPs. The results showed that this assistance activity succeeded in increasing understanding with an average score of 72. After the presentation on the preparation of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), the results of the increase in knowledge obtained an average score of 87 with a percentage increase of 21% of participants regarding SOP standardization which is expected to support the management of health center administration to be more structured and effective. This activity also has a positive impact on the health center accreditation process, as well as being an initial step in realizing quality and sustainable services.
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