digital marketing, marketing optimization, digipreneur, online strategy, facebook pixelAbstract
Digital transformation in Indonesia has started since 1999. It was marked by the first appearance of the Forum Kaskus portal on November 6, 1999. The forum was founded by Andrew Darwis, Ronald Stephanus, and Budi Dharmawan as an “idle” project for the community of Indonesian students who were studying abroad, especially in the United States. Over time, Kaskus grew to become the largest online forum in Indonesia for discussion of various topics, buying and selling, and other communities. In 2004, Internet Marketing activities in Indonesia had
begun to become lively, even promoting. This was marked by the growth and development of Internet Marketing community platforms followed by the emergence of several e-commerce platforms including in 2005, in 2012, and elevenia in 2014. With the increasingly fierce digital business competition, these business platforms began to correct and sink in the midst of technological disruption and the increasingly high level of consumer dynamism. Nowadays, it is evident that the development of digital technology has brought significant changes in the world of marketing. This research discusses online marketing optimization techniques that can be applied by aspiring digipreneurs to improve the effectiveness of their digital strategies. By using data as the basis for decision-making, optimization techniques such as website optimization, social media, Google, and marketplace can increase the competitiveness of online businesses. This article also highlights the importance of using Facebook Pixel in retargeting and effective list building strategies. This training is designed to provide socialization as well as knowledge insights for prospective digipreneurs, especially for students of the Digital Business S1 Study Program at Bakti Tunas Husada University related to understanding and practical skills in optimizing online marketing techniques. The participants invited in this activity were 72 participants, mostly followed by student participants who wanted to be literate in the field of online marketing optimization and several students of the digital business study program at Bakti Tunas Husada University who were prepared as digipreneurs. The hope of holding this training is that students of the digital business study program at Bakti Tunas Husada University are able to implement digital strategies effectively, understand the dynamics of digital business, and take advantage of modern marketing technology to increase the competitiveness of their business as prospective digipreneurs.
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