pesantren, workshop and monitoring, level of position or rankAbstract
Workshops and mentoring of pesantren governance management are activities that respond to the needs of pesantren because not all pesants have good human resource governance. The absence of a level of position or rank in the
pesantren work environment is a situation found in most pesantren. Through this workshop and mentoring, it is hoped that there will be a level of position or rank system for employees in the permanent environment as a basis for providing structured and planned welfare so that it becomes a means of maintaining human resources. The service began with a meeting with policymakers or pesantren leaders, then continued with 2 (two) workshops and mentoring. The material in the workshop includes material on understanding the importance of the position or rank system for employees, tracing
the assessment of the work history database, and determining and agreeing on the general form of the rank system to be used, then determining the adjustment of the position or rank level for all employees in the Pesantren environment. To maximize the results of the workshop, assistance was provided through consultation activities in preparing documents that were the target of the Workshop. The purpose of the Workshop and mentoring is to produce documents related to the level of positions for all employees in the Pesantren environment which is the basis for career or rank policies in the Pesantren environment.
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