
  • Ja'far Amir Universitas IPWIJA, Magister manajemen
  • Eva Yuniita Pratiwi Universitas Semarang, Ilmu Pendidikan dan Psikologi
  • Izzul Atsani Aries Hapsari Universitas Dian Nuswantoro, Pariwisata


bibliometric, generation Z, participation, research


This study intends to reveal existing research topics and predict future research avenues in terms of Gen-Z participation.This research uses Scopus AI to design and explore ideas, with bibliometric analysis to map literature on literature
related to Generation Z participation in developing countries. Data from 136 scholarly works was obtained through Boolean keywords, then processed using Biblioshiny R4.3.1 and visualized with VOS viewers to identify co-occurrence
patterns and further research opportunities. Results of R4.3.1 revealed the important role of Gen Z in the use of social networks, collaboration, and e-learning. The co-occurrence analysis with VOS viewers reveals the gap between social media and learning systems, which opens up further research opportunities. opens further research opportunities. Some Researchers' countries of origin that have not collaborated with foreign researchers include Indonesia, Turkey, Poland, the Czech Republic, and the Philippines. A total of 49 scientific papers can be published and indexed by Scopus in 2024, with an increasing trend from year to year, which is increasing from year to year. In practice, the utilization of digital media such as YouTube and Quizizz has proven effective in increasing student participation and learning interaction.
This strategy creates a learning experience that is dynamic and in line with the characteristics of Generation Z, which is familiar with technology. familiar with technology. The integration of such media reinforces concept understanding
and encourages collaboration in the classroom.


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