optimization, games, classroom activities, englishAbstract
The use of games is one way to build students' motivation in learning English. The use of games is usually done at the beginning or core activities of learning. However, the application of games can basically be applied in every stage of classroom activities, both in pre-activities, activities, and post-activities. Based on this, the author wants to know how effective the use of games is in every English class activity, both pre-, while, and post-activities, as well as the impact on student involvement in English learning. The methods used in this community service activity are (1) giving a pre-test before the presentation session and (2) presenting presentation topics related to learning scenarios with the use of games both in pre-, while, and post-activities. (3) giving post-test after the presentation session (4) processing and analyzing pre-test and post-test data to produce descriptions and graphic presentations related to the effectiveness of using games in-class activities and their impact on student involvement. There is an effective use of games in the pre-activities stage, which can increase students' motivation to learn English so that they become more interested and ready to engage in learning English. There is an effectiveness of using games in activities that can increase students' understanding of the English material taught so that students become active in interacting during learning activities. Furthermore, there is an effectiveness of using games in post-activities, which can help students strengthen the material that has been learned to create student involvement in obtaining feedback related to the material learned.
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