Digital competency insight education, Digital Marketing Optimization Strategy, Optimizing MSMEs (Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises), CompetitivenessAbstract
The purpose of this community service is to increase the capacity of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) actors in Karangmukti Salawu Village, Tasikmalaya Regency, through education about digital marketing. In today's digital era, many MSMEs have not utilized technology to market their products effectively. Therefore, this activity was designed to provide knowledge and skills in using digital platforms as a marketing
tool. Karang Taruna “Mustika Rahayu,” as part of the youth community in Karangmukti Village, has great potential to support MSMEs in adopting technology and utilizing digital marketing systems. Through this educational program, it is hoped that MSME players can understand and implement digital marketing strategies effectively and efficiently so as to increase their business competitiveness through specially designed assistance through the introduction and training of online marketing optimization techniques as an answer to practical solutions to improve their ability to compete in the digital market. With this training, members of MSMEs in Karangmukti Village with Karang Taruna “Mustika Rahayu” gained insight into the implementation of online marketing optimization.
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