
  • Lilis Lisnawati Program Studi Sarjana dan Pendidikan Profesi Bidan Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Respati
  • Fenty Agustini Program Studi Sarjana dan Pendidikan Profesi Bidan Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Respati
  • Erwina Sumartini Program Studi Diploma III Kebidanan Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Respati
  • Santi Susanti Program Studi Diploma III Kebidanan Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Respati


women empowerment, stunting, counseling, practise, MP-ASI creation competition with local ingredients


Stunting is a growth and development disorder by children due to poor nutrition, infections, and inadequate psychosocial (Word Health Organization, 2021a). The prevalence of stunting is still high in Indonesia. Based on data from the 2021 Indonesian Toddler Nutrition Status Survey (SSGBI, 2021), the prevalence of stunting is 24.4% or 5.33 million children in 2022 the prevalence of stunting will be 21.6%. The prevalence of stunted toddlers in West Java is 20.2% in 2022 (RI Ministry of Health, 2019). Cikunir Village, Singaparna District, Tasikmalaya Regency is one of the
villages with a stunting prevalence that exceeds the set limit of 20% (Tasikmalaya Government, 2023). One of the factors to the incidence of stunting is Infant and Child Feeding. Appropriate Infant and Young Child Feeding practices can
improve nutritional status. The aim of Increasing class for creating MP-ASI from local ingredients is to increase the knowledge and skills who have babies aged 7-11 months regarding processing MP-ASI from local ingredients. The method used is providing counseling with pre and post test, practicum making MP-ASI and evaluating participants skills for creating MP-ASI from local ingredients. There was an increase in participants’ knowledge by 75%, and all participants were able to make MP-ASI from local ingredients and there were 3 winners with the best creations. The conclusion is that the goal of the activity was achieved by an increase in knowledge related to MP-ASI as well as an increase in the skills of mothers who have toddlers aged 7-11 months in making MP-ASI creations.


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