Synthesis of Fe (III) complex compounds with 4-fluoro-N '- [(pyridine-4-yl) carbonyl] benzohydrazide ligand aims to find out the synthesis method, the complex and characteristic compound formulas of the complexes formed. Instruments used are UV-Visible Spectrophotometry, Infrared Spectrophotometry and Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry. The synthesis of Fe (III) 4-fluoro-N '- [(pyridine-4-yl) carbonyl] benzohydrazide complexes can be synthesized by mixing metals and ligands dissolved in ethanol by heating at a temperature of 78oC. Compounds of synthesis can form complexes with the formula Fe(C13H10FN3O2)Cl3.2H2O. Characteristics of the Fe (III) 4-fluoro-N '- [(pyridine-4-yl) carbonyl] benzohydrazide complex compound have a maximum wavelength of 265.6 nm. The absorption of functional groups on the 540.0 cm-1 infra red wave spectrum.
Keywords: synthesis, complex, Fe (III), benzohydrazide
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