Author Guidelines
Manuscript Systematics
1. Title and Author
Manuscript in Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian Language) should contain English title, but if it is fully written in English, Indonesian title is not necessary. Each title should not exceed 15 words. Authors’ names should be written without salutation or academic title, and Authors’ origin institutions should be provided evidently. Abbreviating Authors’ last name is off limit.
2. Abstract
Abstract is compiled in no more than 1 (one) paragraph and should not exceed 250 words. It ought to contain objectives, methodes, and brief summary of the result of the research. Keywords should not be longer than 5 words or concepts.
3. Introduction
Introduction contains brief explanation on background of the research, state of the art, objective of the research, and research contribution and novelty.
4. Method
Research method contains research plan, population and data collection (sampling technique), representative samples and its total, as well as inclution and exclution criteria of the research. Data analysis technique should be delivered concisely and clearly in the end of the section.
5. Result and Discussion
Every data presented in the manuscript should be discussed comprehensively. The sequences are as follows: data presentation, data comparation with other researches on its kind, and stating the relevant theory concerning the presented data.
6. Conclusion
Conclusion should be compiled in 1 (one) paragraph and should not contain any numberings. It ought to answer the objectives of the research concisely and clearly.
7. Acknowledgement
Acknowledge the persons who contribute to the research, e.g. research funders, if any, in this section.
8. References
Use the APA style.