Nunung Yulia


Functional foods are food that consumed, as usual, has a physiological effect and can reduce the effect of chronic disease. One of them is probiotic beverages. Probiotic beverages that have been widely known overtime was produced by a dairy house. This product could have been expensive due to the cost of raw materials. Alternative vegetable ingredients that can be used as raw materials for probiotic drinks are sweet potatoes. Sweet potato varieties known in Indonesia are generally grouped based on the colour of the sweet potato flesh, one of which is orange sweet potato which is rich in beta carotene. This study aims to determine the effect of orange sweet potato ratio and the starter for the quality of probiotic drinks. This study used a descriptive experimental method by making a probiotic drink from orange sweet potato using Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus bacteria as the test inoculum. The study was conducted through four comparisons of orange sweet potato with bacterial culture, namely P1=20:50, P2=30:50, P3=40:50, and P4=50:50). Each treatment was carried out in two replications. Observation and measurement of data were done by analyzing the determination of organoleptic, pH value, and viscosity. The results showed that the comparative treatment of bacterial culture with orange sweet potato juice (20:50, 30:50, 40:50, and 50:50) in the manufacture of probiotic drink orange sweet potato juice affected acidity (pH) and viscosity. The best treatment obtained was an orange sweet potato juice probiotic drink with a bacterial culture ratio of 50:50 orange sweet potato juice which had a pH value of 4.0 and a viscosity of 0.596 g/mL.

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