The effect of dental health education audio media toward the knowledge and ohi-s in visually impaired students of Tasikmalaya Special Extraordinary School (SLB) year 2016
Abstract. Most individuals with disabilities have poor oral hygiene than the general population because of poor dental maintenance and oral hygiene in the home,so that many their teeth are damaged and it creates caries. With regard to this case, prevention is very important priority for the people with disabilities. The prevention should not only about health educationof physical health, but also oral and dental health, which directly relates to overall body health. The improvement change behaviour with regard to oral health will improve dental and oral hygiene. The purpose of this study is to see the effectsof dental health education through audio media on the knowledge and OHI-S of visually impaired students at extraordinary school (SLB)of Tasikmalaya 2016.This research used quasi-experiment design with the design of a two group pretest and posttestt. The subject are 20 students from class with intervention and 20 students from control class.The measuring instrument used classifier for questioner paper andOHI-S paper to knowed that knowledge and theOHI-S of visually impaired children at extraordinary school of Tasikmalaya 2016. The result showed that : 1) The level change for knowledge of visually impaired students at intervention class both of before and after to given dental health education with audio media, the result are : good criteria from 5% become 20%, the mean of oral and dental knowledge is 9.5 become 13.2 (difference 3.7). 2), while the level change for OHI-S of visually impaired students at intervention both of before and after to given dental health education with audio media, the result are : good criteria from 20% to 40%. The mean of OHI-S before 1.9 and after 1.4 (difference 0.5).3) There areeffectsof dental health education with audio media toward the knowledge and OHI-S of visually impaired students at extraordinary school (SLB) Tasikmalaya 2016 at paired samples statistic table, to knowledge class p-value= 0.010 (<0.05). and OHI-S p-value= 0.001 (<0.05).
Keywords : Audio Media, Oral and dental health knowledge, OHI-S.
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