Differences in attitudes between teenagers of men and women about reproductive health on early marriage in Junior High School PGRI 04 Bantur


  • IIV HAYYU CHAHYAYA Health Center Of Pagak,street in Hamid Rusdi No. 84 Pagak Malang, East Java, Indonesia


Early marriage in Indonesia reached 50 million people out of a total population of 237.6 million people. The high number of these events can have an impact on women's reproductive health, quality of their children, family harmony and divorce at an early age. If this occurs in adolescents it will have an impact on their reproductive health, especially reproductive health in teenagers of women. Adolescent reproductive health is closely related to the reproductive organs, especially the female reproductive organs are still immature perfect, so the risk of harm on reproductive health are enormous. Closely related, reproductive health with early marriage contained therein sexual activity. One of the danger is that pregnancy at an early age due to reproductive system, especially  the content of which is not yet ready. The impact of pregnancy is not ready to miscarry, a psychological disorder in the pair, and the incidence of adverse reactions to pregnancy. So prevention solutions teens must know and understand about the dangers and loss of early marriage. Understand or not, it can be seen from the attitude in addressing the teens themselves about early marriage. The purpose of research to find out the differences in attitudes between teenagers of men and women about reproductive health on early marriage in Junior High School PGRI 04 Bantur. Comparative analytical research of design. The population all students in grade 2 and 3 with the number of 89 students of Junior High School PGRI 04 Bantur. Samples of 73 students with 39 boys and 34 females students. The sampling technique stratified random sampling. The analysis uses chi squared test. The result showed the teenagers of men have a favorable of attitude on early marriage by 13 (33.3%) and unfavorable of attitude by 26 (66.7%). While teenagers of women have a favorable of attitude on early marriage by 26 (76.5%) and unfavorable of attitudes of 8 (23.5%). Hypothesis test results obtained Chi Square value on Asymp Person. Sig. (2 sided) of 0.000 with dk = 1. The value 0,000 <0,05 so that H0 rejected concluded attitude means there are differences between teenagers of men and women about reproductive health on early marriage in Junior High School PGRI 04 Bantur. In connection with the results of the research indicate a high support for early marriage then recommended to the school to provide coaching and guidance to students about a healthy marriage, the provision of information or counseling through Reproductive Health Care and Care for Adolescents so that teenagers become better know and understand about the impact of early marriage the reproductive health system, especially to the daughters of students.

Keywords: Attitude, Chi Square, Early Marriage, Reproductive Health, Teenagers




