Analisis Kualitatif Merkuri Pada Handbody Lotion Whitening yang Dijual di Online Shop Daerah Kota Bekasi


  • Rizky Mevia Juliani Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Tasikmalaya
  • Nunung Yulia Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Tasikmalaya
  • Irvan Herdiana Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Tasikmalaya


Mercury (Hg) is used illegally in cosmetics as a whitening or skin lightening agent because of its ability to inhibit melanin formation on the surface of the skin. Mercury can make white skin smooth in a relatively short time, but this substance has a negative effect on health because it can accumulate in the body. This mercury can accumulate in the human body especially in the kidney, liver and brain organs. Handbody lotion whitening that contain some mixture of chemicals and mixtures of hazardous materials such as mercury and sold freely in the online shop. Mercury is used as a skin bleach should not be used in the long term because it will cause toxicity to the skin. Objective: This study is aimed to find out whether mercury is sold in handbody lotion whitening product by Online Shop Bekasi area. The purpose of this study was to determine the mercury content in the handbody lotion which is marketed online in Bekasi. Methods: This research was a descriptive study by using the color reaction test method. The samples in this study were 10 samples taken from the Online Shop. The sampling technique in this study used a purposive sampling technique. Qualitative analysis of mercury using NaOH reagents, KI reagent, amalgam formation, mercury rapid test kit and organoleptic test. Results: The study showed organoleptic test preparations used has the type of emulsion oil in water, has a different color and a pungent odor. This study showed that the 10 samples of handbody lotion whitening products which containing negative mercury. Conclusion: Mercury analysis using conventional methods of 10 samples showed handbody lotion whitening unregistered BPOM sold in the online shop Bekasi area there are negative for mercury.


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