Profil Kompatibilitas Sediaan Intravena dan Kejadian Interaksi Obat Potensial pada Pasien Geriatri


  • Cici Resta Universitas BTH Tasikmalaya
  • Keni Idacahyati Universitas BTH Tasikmalaya
  • Muharam Priatna Universitas BTH Tasikmalaya


Compatibility is a condition of the mixture between the drug ingredients and other medicinal substances or with solvents that affect the success of patient therapy. Geriatrics are elderly patients over 60 years in the treatment process usually get the drug more than 5 kinds of polypharmacy so that can potentially occur drug interactions. Objective: The aim of the study to determine the profile of intravenous preparations and potential interactions with the drug in geriatric patients. Methods: This study is an observational that is prospective with sampling techniques in Purposive Sampling. Results: Results of the research showed that the profile of compatibility of intravenous preparations in geriatrics patients is a mixture of NI or not information (54,90%) Compatible (32.4%), incompatibilities (11.3%) and not applicable or NA (1.4%). For the potential occurrence of drug interactions in geriatric patients in research has a severity of major 19%, moderate severity of 51%, and minor severity as much as 30%. The potential occurrence of inaccuracies based on the Beers Criteria 2019 analysis in geriatric patients is the use of drug proton pump inhibitor. Conclusion: The most common compactibility profile in geriatric patients is a mixture of not information and potential of drug interaction has a severity of moderat.


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