Formulasi Sediaan Hand and Body Lotion Ekstrak Metanol Buah Paprika Merah (Capsicum annuum Linnaeus) sebagai Antioksida


  • Lusi Nurdianti Universitas BTH Tasikmalaya
  • Ike Wulandari Universitas BTH Tasikmalaya
  • Fajar Setiawan Universitas BTH Tasikmalaya


Red bell pepper (Capsicum annum L.) contains various types of carotenoid compounds that have the potential as antioxidants. The methanolic extract of red bell pepper fruit has been previously investigated as an antioxidant. Peppers are special compared to other chilies, because they contain very high vitamin C. Red bell pepper is one of the fruits with the main compound content is carotenoids which act as antioxidants. Objective: The purpose of this study was to formulate the preparation of hand and body lotion extra methanol from red bell pepper (Capsicum annum L.) and to determine the effect of differences in the concentration of methanol extract of red bell pepper (Capsicum annum L.) in the preparation of hand and body lotion which is effective as a skin moisturizer. Methods: This study used an experimental method. namely the thick extract of red bell peppers obtained by extracting by maceration in the preparation of hand and body lotion which is effective as a skin moisturizer. Several hand and body lotion formulas have been made containing methanol extract of red bell pepper (Capsicum annum L.) by varying the extract, namely 1%, 5%, and 7.5%. To determine the antioxidant activity was determined by the free radical scavenging test DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrihydrazil). Results: The results of this study indicate that all hand and body lotion formulas have met the evaluation parameters of hand and body lotion while the results of the antioxidant activity test each formula F1 (278.025±0.405), F2 (132.737± 1.347) and F3 (79.816± 2.551) ppm. Conclusion: Based on antioxidant testing, the best preparation found in formula 3 has a strong antioxidant content.


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