Potensi Immunomodulator Tanaman Herbal Tradisional Indonesia terhadap SARS-COV-2


  • Anna Yuliana Universitas BTH Tasikmalaya
  • Nia Widia Noviana Universitas BTH Tasikmalaya
  • Tresna Lestari Universitas BTH Tasikmalaya
  • Lina Rahmawati R Universitas BTH Tasikmalaya


Sars-cov-2 is a corona virus that causes severe acute respiratory syndrome which is transmitted through inhalation or droplets of infected people. Herbal plants are plants that are identified and known on the basis of human observations to have compounds that are useful for preventing curing diseases and performing several biological functions. If the body's immune system is lacking, what is needed is a compound that can increase the body's immune system (immunomodulator). Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the immunomodulatory potential of Indonesian traditional herbal plants against Sars-CoV-2. Methods: This study is a literature review sourced from books, scientific journals, and articles, using a search engine: google scholar, sciencedirect. Results: Phyllanthus niruri L, Zingiber officinale var Rubrum, Garcinia mangostana, Morinda citrifolia. L. is a traditional Indonesian herbal plant that has the potential as an immunomodulator. Based on the traditional medicine class in Indonesia, the phytopharmaca product, namely the plant Phyllanthus niruri, has a phagocytosis index value of 1.646. In the OHT product group, the three herbal plants can improve the immune system with a phagocytic index value of Morinda citrifolia L 1.25, then Garcinia mangostana 2.92 and Zingiber officinale var Rubrum of 0.831. Conclusion: Herbal plants Phylanthus niruri L, Zingiber officinale var.rubrum, Garcinia mangostana, Morinda citrisfolia L, with phagocytic index values of the four plants, namely IF> 1 so that they have activity to increase the body's immune system (Imunomodulator). These plants contain secondary metabolites of flavonoids, hypophyllanthin, niranthin, hirtetralin phyrltetralin, phyrophorbide, gingerol, anthocyanins, xanthones.


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