Interaksi Obat Kortikosteroid Oral pada Resep Anak di Rumah Sakit di Kota Bandung Periode Agustus-September 2019


  • Citra Dewi Salasanti Universitas BTH Tasikmalaya
  • Nurbaity Nurbaity Universitas BTH Tasikmalaya
  • Prima Octavia Universitas BTH Tasikmalaya


Drug interactions and the use of corticosteroid drugs in pediatric outpatient prescribing are still often found in health care units. In pediatric patients, it is important to analyze drug interactions because drug interactions in pediatric patients are unpredictable like in adult patients. Objective: This study is to provide information about the interaction of corticosteroid drugs, especially in the therapy for children. Methods: In this study, data were obtained retrospectively from daily prescriptions for outpatient's pediatric clinic at a hospital in Bandung City in the period AugustSeptember 2019 which were taken randomly as many as 220 prescription sheets as samples. The data of this study were analyzed descriptively. Results: The results showed that from 2153 prescription sheets, there were 486 (22.57%) prescription sheets containing oral corticosteroids. Of the 220 selected samples, there were 70 (31.82%) samples that had corticosteroid drug interactions with pharmacokinetic interactions were 29 samples (41.43%) and pharmacodynamic interactions were 41 samples (58.57%). The clinical significance level of drug interactions that were 3 samples (4.29%) were major, 27 samples (38.57%) were minor and 40 samples (57.14%) were minor. Conclusion: The most corticosteroid drug interactions occurred pharmacodynamically and are minor.


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