Pembuatan Pangan Fungsional Tahu dengan Penambahan Ekstrak Buah Campolay (Pouteria campechiana) sebagai Antioksidan
Tofu was a low calorie diet menu because of its low calorie and charcoal hydrate content. In the process of making tofu, it could be innovated by adding campolay fruit extract, because it was seen from the content of campolay fruit which produced natural antioxidants, but the campolay fruit harvest had not been utilized optimally by the community. Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the antioxidant activity, total phenol content, flavonoids in campolay fruit extract, sarian tofu and sarian tofu which had been added with Campolay fruit extract. Methode: Determination of total phenol levels using the Pourmorad method, determining levels of total flavonoids using the Chang method, and testing antioxidant activity using the Blois method. Results: The highest levels of total phenol and flavonoids were found in the Campolay fruit extract of 192.556 g GAE / 100 g and 1.069 g QE / 100 g. Antioxidant activity was shown with the highest IC50 at campolay fruit extract, sarian tofu and sarian tofu which had been added to campolay fruit extract at 10,260 ppm, 33,597 ppm, 71,714 ppm. Conclusion: The IC50 of the three extracts had a value of <50 ppm, indicating very strong antioxidant activity, so the addition of Campolay fruit extract could be used as a natural antioxidant producer in the addition of tofu.Referensi
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