Penggunaan Daun Pecut Kuda sebagai Obat Tradisional di Desa Sukarame Kecamatan Leles, Garut, Jawa Barat


  • Septiyadi Septiyadi Universitas Garut
  • Raden Aldizal Mahendra Rizkio Syamsudin Universitas Garut
  • Asman Sadino Universitas Garut


Pecut kuda plants were wild plants that had the role as medicinal plants. Application pf Pecut kuda leaves as medicine still carried out by people in Sukarame Village, Leles, Garut. Methods: Data collected by using depth interview techniques, questionnaires and archived later. Result: The result showed that the people in Sukarame Village still utilized the wild and domesticated plants around them as medicine, including Pecut Kuda. Conclusion: Pecut Kuda plant was medicinal plant used by people in Sukarame Village, Leles, Garut.


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