
  • Aan Kunaedi Sekolah Tinggi Farmasi Muhammadiyah Cirebon, Indonesia




Klanceng Honey, Single Garlic, Analgesic.


Honey has a variety of beneficial compounds, one is a flavonoid that can inhibit the pain enzyme namely cyclooxygenase. Klanceng honey is one of kind honey that is easily found in Indonesia and is unique cause honey comes from various plants that make it easy to cultivate. Besides honey, another natural ingredient that is popular with the antioxidant compound is garlic. It is known that the single garlic in the antioxidant compound is higher than the common garlic. The study is intended to identify the analgesic effect of fermented pure honey with single garlic in male mice. The research hypothesis is that H0= fermented pure honey with single garlic hasn’t an analgesic effect in mice and H1 = fermented pure honey with single garlic has an analgesic effect in male mice. Used 5 treatment groups where each mouse is induced by acetic acid. The group consists of negative control (aqua dest 0,5 ml), positive control (ibuprofen 0,65mg/20g BB), Treatment I (fermented honey 1 week 50% 37mg/20g BB), Treatment II (fermented honey 2 weeks 50% 37mg/20g BB) and Treatment III (pure honey 50% 37mg/20g BB). The result, fermented Klanceng Honey with single garlic with a dose of 37mg/20gBB 50% has an analgesic effect, especially those fermented in 2 weeks. If fermented honey of 2 weeks compared with 1-week fermentation and pure honey, it has a surplus: a)high-protection numbers; b)the lower average of  writhings numbers and c)longer onset of writhings than  1-week fermentation.


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How to Cite

Kunaedi, A. (2022). UJI ANALGETIKA MADU MURNI HASIL FERMENTASI BAWANG PUTIH TUNGGAL TERHADAP MENCIT (Mus musculus) JANTAN. Journal of Pharmacopolium, 5(2). https://doi.org/10.36465/jop.v5i2.915




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