Lilis Tuslinah




The methanol extract of kirinyuh leaves (Chromolaena odorata (L). R.M.King & H.Rob.) is able to inhibit the growth of gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus so that it has potential as an active substance for hand washing soap. In this study, liquid hand washing soap was made with a concentration of 0.01% kirinyuh leaf extract using a soap base using a gelling agent Carbopol. The optimum concentration of Carbopol with a viscosity of 2217 cPs is 0.6%. The liquid soap preparation was analyzed including viscosity 2217 cPs, pH 6.38, total active ingredient 18.62% mass fraction, insoluble material in ethanol 0.11% mass fraction, free fatty acids 0.63% mass fraction, phenol coefficient 1, Total Plate Number 4,535 g/colony. In the hedonic test, the highest panelist response was found in the purple color of the wine aroma and the yellow color of the lemon aroma


Keywords: Liquid Hand Washing Soap, Phenol Coefficient, Kirinyuh Leaves.




Ekstrak metanol daun kirinyuh (Chromolaena odorata) mampu menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri gram positif Staphylococcus aureus sehingga mempunyai potensi sebagai zat aktif sabun cuci tangan Pada penelitian ini dibuat sabun cair cuci tangan dengan konsentrasi ekstrak daun kirinyuh 0,01% menggunakan basis sabun menggunakan gelling agent  Carbopol.  Konsentrasi optimum Carbopol dengan viskositas 2217 cPs adalah 0,6 %. Sediaan sabun cucu cair dilakukan analisis meliputi viskosita 2217 cPs, pH 6,38, Total bahan aktif 18,62 % fraksi massa, Bahan tidak larut dalam etanol 0,11% fraksi massa, Asam lemak bebas 0,63% fraksi massa, Koefisien fenol 1, Angka Lempeng Total 4.535 g/koloni. Pada Uji hedonik respon panelis tertinggi terdapat pada warna ungu aroma anggur dan warna kuning aroma lemon.


Kata kunci: Sabun Cair Cuci Tangan, Koefisien fenol, Daun Kirinyuh


Sabun Cair Cuci Tangan, Koefisien fenol, Daun Kirinyuh

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.36465/jop.v5i1.879


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